Four Ways I Used to Improve Kaiyan's SEO with Webflow

In just 12 months, Kaiyan scaled from 0 to 1.51M impressions.

An effective SEO (search engine optimization) strategy requires a holistic approach — great content isn’t enough. You need to grow your link profile over time sustainably, have the proper site structure, and, among many other factors, ensure you’re providing a good user experience. CMSs play a crucial role in SEO, and the correct setup is the starting point to deploy your strategy effectively.

Optimized Load Time

Slow pages perform poorly on organic rankings. And even if that wasn’t the case, it’s essential to make sure users can access your content quickly. A one-second delay in page load corresponds to a 7% drop in conversion rate. With more users accessing your site on mobile than on desktop devices, it’s safe to say an optimized load time should be a priority for any team.

When it comes to blog posts, we upload four files of different sizes and dimensions, each tailored to its specific placement. Without this setup, you would load large images where only a small thumbnail image is rendered to the user — slowing page speed.

Webflow generates srcset and size attributes for static inline images — automatically loading smaller versions of inline images for smaller devices. It’s worth noting that these attributes work on inline images but not background images.

Trying Different Landing Pages

The ability to execute quickly is almost as important as having the right strategy. Strong growth requires continually running new tests, focusing on strategies that work, and learning from what didn’t.

At Kaiyan, I managed to shorten turning ideas into live pages in less than one week. This helped me to focus on the correct type of content and the suitable format. I used Webflow to launch different templates to serve the specific purpose of each content type: reviews, informational guides, our glossary, and so on.

Better Tools for a Better Design

After my experience with Webflow, I decided to invest more time and energy to master it. I designed and launched the website to make the most out of our marketing efforts, switching from WordPress to Webflow. I saw similar SEO growth and an increase in all our user engagement metrics. As obvious as it may sound, beautiful, user-friendly designs convert better — our data is clear proof.

Improved Internal Linking

A healthy internal linking structure will improve your website’s performance in two different areas:

  1. Discoverability of content and higher user engagement
  2. URL crawl-ability and redistribution of link power

While nothing can replace manual input, when it comes to identifying the most relevant internal resources to link to, many other tasks can be automated.

Webflow Collections allow us to link other articles easily and automatically narrow results to articles with similar topics. We used these functionalities on our blog and other Collections.

A CMS that Fits

My Webflow experience has been very successful. Running on a system that doesn’t adapt to your needs will make it harder to execute on your roadmap and, ultimately, slow you down.

Of course, SEO success can never be attributed to a single factor. Every company has different team structures and different capabilities to customize its CMS. Regardless of your website’s platform, choose a CMS that fits your needs — don’t let the limitations of the wrong CMS box you in.

Understanding the needs of your target audience and addressing them better than your competitors is the core of a successful strategy — but the right technology can go a long way toward helping you execute that strategy.